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Final Fantasy 10 ReMixes

'Prelude To Sin'



Yea, I don't have a write-up for this one. Hell I don't even have FTP access. I'm at a computer in UCF's education building, pretty much posting this because there's nothing else to do. Xerol made it. You may have heard of him. Maybe you've seen him around. You might've had a little crush on him ever since you saw him that one day at the water fountain in that grey shirt, and those khaki pants. The way he lapped up that water was just so-...well, you know what I'm talking about. Anyway this song is an arrangement that combines the ever so under-ReMix Final Fantasy prelude with some other tunes from FFX. It's good times, good listens, & good love. I guess I kinda did have a write-up for this one...heh, who knew?

title=Cosplay Deviants